Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Society (TAFS) / Gesellschaft für Zeitenreihenanalyse und Prognosen
Liechtensteinstraße 111-115
1090 Vienna
Email: info@taf-society.org
Website: https://taf-society.org
Registered Verein, Nonprofit organization
Vereinsregister – ZVR-Zahl: 1906817523
The non-profit association aims to connect researchers, academics, practitioners, students and other interested parties in the fields of data science and artificial intelligence, with a special focus on time series analysis and forecasting.
The goals are to promote knowledge exchange, education, facilitate technology transfer from research to practice, and foster innovation.
All contents of this website have been carefully validated. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the correctness, completeness and timeliness of the information. Any liability of the Time Series Analysis And Forecasting Society (TAFS) is therefore excluded.
Since the Time Series Analysis And Forecasting Society (TAFS) has no influence whatsoever on linked external content, nor does it have the means to check this content at all times, it accepts no liability for it.